Homily from Palm Sunday.

“If I have a condition when it comes to following Jesus, I am not really following Jesus, am I? If my condition is, ‘If You give me what I want, then I will follow You,’ I am not really following Him, I am just doing what I want to do. Do you have a condition? When it comes to taking the next step, you’re already at Sunday Mass, so well done, maybe that’s not your issue. But then do you have a condition when it comes to giving Him more? When it comes to actually really following Him, is there a condition?”

Mass Readings from April 13, 2014:
Isaiah 50:4-7
Philippians 2:6-11
Matthew 26:14-27:66

To watch the video of the priest singing at the wedding, copy this address into your address bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYKwqj5QViQ

To watch the video of Sr. Cristina singing on the Italian version of The Voice, make sure you are watching with subtitles turned on, and copy this address in your address bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpaQYSd75Ak

To download the 40 Days of Lenten Mass Readings (now a ONE-page handout!), click here!