[blox_row columns=”1/3+1/3+1/3″ fullwidth=”true” color=”#ffffff” text_light=”0″ padding_bottom=”74″][blox_column width=”1/3″ ][blox_text title=”Why Come? ” animation=”none”]

“If you don’t know what it is to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Or if you keep hearing about how people in the Bible were able to experience the Holy Spirit in a powerful way, but you have no experience with that at all. Or if you want to know how to pray with the power of the Holy Spirit. Then this retreat is for you. It’s your turn to experience this untapped resource of the Third Person of the Trinity! ” -Fr. Mike Schmitz

[/blox_text][/blox_column][blox_column width=”1/3″ ][blox_text title=”Who? ” animation=”none”]
  • Any student in college is welcome to attend. If you are have college friends who do not go to UMD, bring them with you!
  • The retreat is hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz and the Student Leadership Team from Catholic Campus Ministry.
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We will have a bunch of hang out time around the pool and hot tub, ping-pong, other game time, and plenty of time to get outside and enjoy the late fall weather.

[/blox_text][/blox_column][blox_column width=”1/3″ ][blox_text title=”Lodging, Accommodations, Transportation” animation=”none”]
  • Superior Shores resort and conference center. It’s lovely and it’s only 20 minutes from Duluth!
  • The food is incredible and is served to us the entire weekend by the great staff at the resort. YUMMO!
  • Depart from Newman at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, return by 12:00 pm on Friday.
[/blox_text][blox_button text=”Register Online” link=”https://umdcatholic.weshareonline.org/FanIntoFlameRetreat2015″ target=”_self” button_type=”btn-primary” size=”btn-lg” align=”right” animation=”flipInX”/][/blox_column][/blox_row][blox_row columns=”1/3+1/3+1/3″ fullwidth=”true” image=”https://bulldogcatholic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/retreat2014_fanintoflame_cragunsResort_large_flare.jpg” bg_repeat=”cover” bg_position=”center center” bg_attach=”scroll” text_light=”1″ padding_top=”150″ padding_bottom=”150″ overlay_color=”#000000″ overlay_opacity=”.2″][blox_column width=”1/3″ ][blox_counter text=”Last Year Changed it All” icon=”fa-fire” number=”2014″ count_type=”scroll” animation=”none”/][/blox_column][blox_column width=”1/3″ ][blox_counter text=”Students said YES” icon=”icon-heart” number=”78″ count_type=”count” animation=”none”/][/blox_column][blox_column width=”1/3″ ][blox_counter text=”Lives Were Changes” icon=”fa-heart” number=”78″ count_type=”count” animation=”none”/][/blox_column][/blox_row]