[blox_row columns=”1/3+1/3+1/3″ fullwidth=”true” color=”#ffffff” text_light=”0″ padding_bottom=”74″][blox_column width=”1/3″ text_color=”default-text” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_position=”left top” bg_attach=”scroll” padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”20″ padding_left=”20″ padding_right=”20″ ][blox_text title=”Why come to the First Timer’s Retreat? ” animation=”none”]

College is already tough. Don’t make it harder. This retreat will help you get your life in order as you make this transition as a college student. What to expect:

  • Prayer
  • Relaxing
  • Music
  • Campfire
  • Canoeing
  • Kayaking

And did we mention that we serve good food too?

[/blox_text][/blox_column][blox_column width=”1/3″ text_color=”default-text” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_position=”left top” bg_attach=”scroll” padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”20″ padding_left=”20″ padding_right=”20″ ][blox_text title=”Who? ” animation=”none”]
  • The retreat is for students at UMD who’ve never been on a retreat with Catholic Campus Ministry.
  • The retreat is hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz and the Student Leadership Team from Catholic Campus Ministry.
[/blox_text][blox_image image=”http://mattsmith.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/UMDnewman_bulldogCatholic_firstTimersRetreat.jpg” img_width=”400″ alignment=”center” target=”_self” animation=”none”][/blox_image][/blox_column][blox_column width=”1/3″ text_color=”default-text” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_position=”left top” bg_attach=”scroll” padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”20″ padding_left=”20″ padding_right=”20″ ][blox_text title=”How? ” animation=”none”]
  • Place: Lakeshore, MN
  • Time: September 16-18, 2016. Depart from the Newman House at 4:00 pm on Friday, Return by 3:00 pm Sunday
  • Cost: $25 (scholarship available)
[/blox_text][blox_button text=”Register Online” link=”https://umdcatholic.weshareonline.org/FirstTimersRetreat2016″ target=”_self” button_type=”btn-primary” size=”btn-lg” icon=”icon-notebook” align=”left” animation=”none”/][/blox_column][/blox_row][blox_row fullwidth=”true” color=”#ffffff” text_light=”0″ padding_bottom=”50″][blox_column width=”1/1″ ][blox_testimonial type=”full_color” animation=”bounceInUp”][blox_testimonial_item author=”Daniel Rhoda” company=”| UMD Newman” image=”http://mattsmith.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/UMDnewman_danielRhoda.jpg”]The first timers retreat was when I met friends who made me want to expand my faith and get more involved with Newman![/blox_testimonial_item][blox_testimonial_item author=”Catherine Bittner ” company=”| UMD Newman”]On the first timers retreat Jesus Christ opened up my eyes to His true presence in the Eucharist, and my life has never been the same since.[/blox_testimonial_item][blox_testimonial_item author=”Chris Wilson” company=”| UMD Newman”]The first timer’s retreat helped me to not only connect better with students at Newman, but also to get meet on a good track for the school year on where my main focus should be. [/blox_testimonial_item][blox_testimonial_item author=”Ericka McGovern ” company=”| UMD Newman”]The first timers retreat provided me the opportunity to make the greatest friendships of not only my college years but of my life.[/blox_testimonial_item][blox_testimonial_item author=”Katie McBride” company=” | UMD Newman”]The First timers retreat is a weekend to step away from life, out of your comfort zone and into a deeper understanding of the importance and joy of our Newman Catholic Christian community, our personal relationship with God, and the affirmation of His deep and sincere love for us.[/blox_testimonial_item][/blox_testimonial][/blox_column][/blox_row]