03/01/22 The First Commandment
Step 1: Copy the Password: TR4S2y&$ Step 2: Follow the [...]
2/22/22 Purgatory & The Bible
With the snow storm this week, we recorded this week's [...]
02/15/22 The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell
We had recording issues this week, but here is an [...]
01/29/22 Theology of the Body Conference
If you missed the Theology of the Body Conference or [...]
01/25/22 The Sacrament of Holy Orders
With Father Mike and Heather away this week we don't [...]
01/18/22 Intro to the Sacraments & The Sacrament of Baptism
Hello everyone! I apologize in advance for the audio in [...]
12/08/21 Catholic Teaching Mass
While we don't have a recording from this Mass, here [...]