I’m Robbie Mouton, I’m a Junior Industrial Engineering major! Here are my go-to Youtube Channels:


This dude has some incredible cinematography! He basically goes out and does everything I’ve ever wanted to do, like rope swing off a cliff, jump bikes into a lake, and ride drift trikes! Dude also uses sweet music in his videos!


This guy was born in Hawaii, and moved to LA once he went big. He’s hilarious, making videos making fun of commercials, musical artists, and just about everything else. Also does fun games with his friends like I Dare You, where they have fans write in dares to do, and assign points to them, and play until someone breaks 10 points!

Go Pro

Go Pro’s sponsored channel is sweet. It’s full of nature, sports, and life all captured with Go Pro Cameras. Fly incredibly close to the ground in a wing suit, jump off cliffs with skis, and swim with sharks, all thanks to the first person videos from Go Pro. Another channel full of incredible cinematography.