How open can I be with people?

Q: I am wondering how much I can be vulnerable with people. I have been able to tell some key people in my life about struggles of mine, but when can I tell others? A: Thank you very much for [...]

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05/17/20 Exiles: Why Go Back?

Homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. At some point, the exile will end. You will be able to go back. But why? What is the reason why you will go back? Mass Readings from May 17, 2020: Acts [...]

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05/10/20 Insecure: Uncertain Plans

Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. If we are wise, we will think about the future and plan for it. And if we are even wiser, we will be able to let go of those plans when we need to. Mass [...]

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