Give to the Max
UMD Newman / bulldogCatholic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
Your support goes a long way in providing a Catholic campus ministry program to all the students of UMD. Thank you for your donations.
Donate (United States)
Support the day-to-day operations at Newman, i.e. programming, retreats, and ongoing maintenance at the Newman House itself.
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Donate (Outside of the US)
Thank you for your support! We love that Catholics around the world are growing closer to God through our ministry.
Weekly Giving
For those who would like to make their Sunday offerings/tithes online.
Check Payable: “Newman Catholic Campus Ministry”
Newman Catholic Campus Ministry
c/o Newman Staff
2830 E Fourth Street
Duluth, MN 55812
If you’d like to make a specific gift to the UMD Newman Campaign, please address envelopes as follows:
Newman Catholic Campus Ministry
c/o bulldogCatholic Campaign
2830 E Fourth Street
Duluth, MN 55812
Over the past 10 years…
- We have seen 11 men enter seminary.
- Six men and women have left to continue further discernment with religious communities.
- Sunday Mass has expanded from one evening Mass on campus to both a morning and evening Mass with over 350 in attendance every week.
- FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) is present on campus with four full time missionaries and over 150 students involved in Bible studies and discipleship.
- Our online presence continues to grow with becoming the fastest growing Catholic website online.
Student Leadership Groups on Campus
- 30 students missionaries.
- 10 students serving on our leadership team.
- 31 musicians committed to our worship team.
- 11 students on our prayer team.
bulldogCatholic Weekly Schedule & Events
Monday Rosary: 18 students gather every week to pray the rosary for the needs of our campus community.
Alpha: This fall we launched Alpha for Catholics on campus. The Alpha night gives students the opportunity to share a meal and discuss the bigger questions of life and faith at a deeper level. Our first Alpha course attracted 95 students every week. There will be a second session offered spring semester.
RCIA: Students interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith can join us Tuesday nights as we study the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Holy Spirit Nights: We have a team of 11 students that gather every week to delve deeper into living a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. Every other week those students lead others in a time of prayer and praise.
Mass & Meal: Every Thursday following Mass, students share a meal and fellowship.