Homily from the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We are insulated from discomfort in many ways. And our lives of comfort can lead to complacency. But encountering Christ can lead to [...]
Homily from the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. As one pastor noted, “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. And if you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.” [...]
Homily from the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Joy is the abiding sense of well-being. It is a feeling, but it is also a choice. But we do not choose joy itself. We must choose the source [...]
Homily from the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. The essence of a eulogy virtue is character. Not merely who people think you are, but who you actually are. A person of character does what [...]
Q: I am hoping to be cremated when I die. I would also like my family to bring my ashes up to the Boundary Waters and scatter them there, since it is where I feel closest to God. Is that OK? A: [...]