Joelle B.
Expected Graduation: Spring 2025
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders, minoring in Deaf Studies and Linguistics
What’s your major and your expected graduation?
I am majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with minors in Deaf Studies and Linguistics. I am expecting to graduate in the spring of 2025.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Some of my favorite hobbies include watching movies with friends, baking, and doing crafts, I love to create something new.
Why did you choose UMD for college?
I chose to come to UMD not only because of the programs offered but also because of the beautiful location and the Newman Center on campus.
Why should someone come to a Bulldog Catholic event?
I think that people should come to a BulldogCatholic event for the community. Everyone here is welcoming and wants to get to know you. The events are also extremely fun and a great break from schoolwork.
What would you tell a high school senior looking for the right college?
I would tell a high school senior not to stress over looking for the best and right college, it is okay to transfer if it is not the right fit for you. I would also tell them to look into the communities both on and around campus. It is good to look at the programs offered and sports leagues, but it is also important to have a supportive community that you can be a part of.
What is the biggest lesson that you have learned while in college?
Classes are important, but so are the people and community that you surround yourself with.
Who is your favorite Saint and quote from them?
My favorite saint is also my patron saint, St. Teresa of Calcutta. One of my favorite quotes from her is, “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.”
What has been your favorite memory in college?
Some of my favorite college memories are ones that happen spontaneously, whether that is dancing in the rain or swimming in my clothes. I’m always down for fun and crazy memories.
What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
The best Wi-Fi name I’ve seen was called WeeWeePad, very random.
If you had a pet monkey, what would you name him? Why?
If I had pet monkeys I would name them See and Do, monkey see, monkey do.