Keegan J.
Expected Graduation: 2027
Major: Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
What’s your major and your expected graduation?
My major is Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, and I expect to graduate in 2027.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Currently, because it fluctuates, I’ve been interested in board games, swing dancing, and surviving school.
What is your favorite part about being a part of the BulldogCatholic community?
I enjoy how open and authentic everything feels. Bulldog Catholic is such a warm and welcoming community that as soon as I went to my first event I felt like I belonged. The people here are my closest friends at college, and I continue to grow every day because of them.
Why did you choose UMD for college?
I would not recommend anyone do what I did, but I kinda just said sure I’ll go here and didn’t have a reason for it besides vibes. As you can tell I make smart decisions.
Why should someone come to a Bulldog Catholic event?
You will meet so many incredible authentic people at every event and that’s not even accounting for how well-run all the events are. Bulldog Catholic goes all out.
What would you tell a high school senior looking for the right college?
Go to where your heart is calling you to go. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed by the process, take a deep breath and pray about it. The Father will lead you to the right place, he did for me and everyone else.
What is the biggest lesson that you have learned while in college?
Life is difficult alone. Friends make it easier, and God makes it doable. Don’t be afraid to make friends and grow your relationship with the Father together.
Who is your favorite Saint and quote from them?
I don’t know enough about the saints, but from the few I know, Saint Francis of Assisi is up there. I learned about his life in high school, and his story is inspiring. As he was near death he said, “Let us begin, for up to now we have done nothing,” this is a reminder to keep moving forward because there is still a journey ahead.
What has been your favorite memory in college?
Seek24! Although that wasn’t in Duluth, it was kind of a big combination of the high parts of Newman, fun games, swing dancing, and great fellowship.
If you could have one song play every time you entered a room what would it be, and why?
Easy, the 90s Chicago Bulls theme song. Why? The hype has to be there before I take one of the greatest accidental power naps of all time. Also, I want people to know Bingo is about to get serious.