Sunday Mass (School Year)

10:30 a.m. | Mass at Kirby Ballroom

6 p.m. | Mass at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary

Look for the yellow bulldogCatholic / Duluth Newman banner!

Daily Mass (School Year)

We have Daily Mass at the Newman house at 421 W St Marie Street. The house is on the other side of the parking lot from the UMD Library.

Monday | 8 a.m. at Newman House

Tuesday | 5:30 p.m. at Newman House

Wednesday | 7 p.m. at Newman House

Thursday | 5:30 p.m. at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary

Friday | 12:05 p.m. at Newman House

Saturday | Varies based on the availability of priests

Daily Mass (Summers)

During the Summer, Mass and Confession times will be posted on our Instagram highlight, “The Week at Newman,” each week.

Mass Q & A’s

What if I haven’t been to Mass in a while?

Not much changed!  I imagine that one of the things that you didn’t like about the Mass growing up is that it was always the same thing…every time.  It’s more or less the same.

Even though the Mass hasn’t changed, the good news is— you have.  My guess is that you have changed since you were younger.  Because of that, my second guess is that the weight of the Mass is just right for you.

Seriously. The Mass is kind of a grown-up thing.  You were probably bored by the Mass in the same way that you may have been bored by anything “grown-up” when you were younger. The same goes for things like classical music, doing chores, and going to work. When you were young, there weren’t too many things that were more boring; but now that you are older, you realize that those things are actually pretty intense, and even… might I say… enjoyable. Plus, Jesus in the Mass is WAY better than any of these grown-up things alone, because He brings life to them. That’s one reason why going to Mass is the most exciting, intense, beautiful, life-changing, important, mysterious, and grown-up thing you do in your life.

“When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things.” – 1 Corinthians 13:11

I’ve done some messed up stuff since I last went to Mass.

One thing folks get wrong about the Church is thinking that it’s for people who have never messed up in their life.  I don’t know where we got this idea, but the Church is for everyone. Jesus even says himself in Luke 5:31-32: “Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.” You may have heard a saying before that the Church is the hospital for sinners— and it’s true! Everyone in the pews around you is admitting that they are sick and have done messed up stuff just by attending Mass.

Jesus also said, “when you pray, don’t be like the pagans who think that because of their many words they will be heard…”.  He might as well have said, “Don’t pray like those who think that because of their good actions/behavior/sinlessness that they will be heard…”.  Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that God isn’t accessible to us unless we’re perfect. “God doesn’t hear me or love me when I’m like this,” we tell ourselves.  This isn’t true. Jesus came to this earth to let you know how absolutely false this is.

Jesus went on to say, “When you pray, say ‘Our Father, who art in heaven…’” You have a Dad in Heaven who already loves you and sees you!

God has never been scandalized by your sins. He loves you despite of them. He still looks at you the same way as when you were conceived and He created you in your mother’s womb, way before you did anything messed up: with pure delight and joy. He cares for you and wants to set you free from any and all of the messed-up things you’ve done that try to tell you who you are. He doesn’t love the “never-messed-up-five-year-old-you,” He loves YOU!

The fact of the matter is this: if you have messed up, there is no better place for you to be than at Mass.

God wants you. We want you. Believe me, you are wanted.

I’m busy with school, but I want to be better prepared for Mass. What’s an easy way to do this?

That’s a super good question.  First, read ahead.  We always print the upcoming readings for Mass a week ahead of time.  That way, you can get a jump on which Scripture is going to be read.  If you don’t have a Bible of your own, you can always find the upcoming Sunday’s readings online!

Secondly, one of the best ways to prepare for Mass is to make time to go to Confession at least once a month.  You would be surprised to find how much of a difference your experience of Mass (and God in your daily life) becomes when you build in the habit of going to Confession once a month.  You don’t have to go because you necessarily “feel bad” about something…you can go just because it helps you open yourself up in a deeper way to God’s love.

Third, get involved in a Bible Study.  While it is very important to be reading the Bible on your own, a person can really grow when they are able to get involved in a small group.  We have a ton on campus, and you are always welcome to join. Want to join a small group?

I’ve never been to a Catholic Mass. Would it be weird if I just came to check it out?

Not at all.  Every week people just like you come to Mass.  Honestly, if I have a nickel for every person who was coming to Mass for the first time each week…I would have a couple of nickels.

But honestly, there are new people every Sunday.  The only way to not be new is to show up…and then come back.  I am certain that you will know that you belong there.

What if I don’t know anyone at Mass?

You didn’t know anyone at UMD when you first got here…but you still came here because you knew that it was where you needed to be.

Even if you don’t know anyone at Mass at first…even if you don’t know the prayers or what to do or whatever…you really do belong here. There will be people there to welcome you and help you with whatever might be confusing right away. Believe me, you will realize that you belong very quickly.

I like to play music. Can I get involved in music ministry at UMD?

Heck yes! We are always on the look-out for people who want to help! Just let us know and we will find a place for you! Fill out this Mass Ministries Form!