What is the sin that ‘cannot be forgiven’?
I heard that Jesus said there is a sin that cannot be forgiven. What is this sin? Why can’t God forgive it?
I heard that Jesus said there is a sin that cannot be forgiven. What is this sin? Why can’t God forgive it?
When am I supposed to offer my opinion? For example, I have a friend who conceived a child through in vitro fertilization. Am I supposed to tell her that was wrong?
I’ve been praying and trying to get closer to God. But sometimes I don’t know if what I’m thinking is actually God’s voice or if it is just my own thoughts. Is there any way that I can tell?
I am a parent of three kids, all of whom I tried to raise in the Catholic faith. One of them seems to have a very little interest, one is relatively hostile, and one still goes to church. None of them live with us anymore, but I wish that I could do something to strengthen their faith. Is there anything that I can do?
My loved one passed away, but I keep getting these “signs” that I see as being from them that let me know that they are OK. For example, I will see a cardinal (my dad always fed the cardinals outside his window) and I think that it is a sign from him. Is that okay for me to think?
I’ve noticed that there have been a number of “celebrity conversions” to the Catholic faith recently. These individuals seem to be getting a lot of attention from Catholics online (both positive and negative). How should we respond to these new (and well-known) brothers and sisters?
I know that I make excuses. My family members point that out to me, and my friends (my very close friends) have told me that my excuse-making makes it difficult to trust me. But most times they don’t feel like excuses to me, they seem like the real reasons I’m late or don’t do what I had said I would do. How can I tell the difference between excuses and real reasons?
What is the difference between drifting along in life and letting God do his will in your life? I have not really pursued a lot of my life goals because I love God and I want to please him by doing what he wants me to do in my life. Is this the wrong approach to goals in life and doing God's will?
I heard that the pope wrote a document on youth recently. What are the main takeaways? Is it worth reading?
Lent is right around the corner, and I never seem to know what to do for the season. I’ve tried giving things up, but it always seems a bit hollow. What should I do?