What Can I do for My Kids Who Don’t Practice the Faith?

I am a parent of three kids, all of whom I tried to raise in the Catholic faith. One of them seems to have a very little interest, one is relatively hostile, and one still goes to church. None of them live with us anymore, but I wish that I could do something to strengthen their faith. Is there anything that I can do? 

By |2025-01-09T17:57:43+00:00August 1, 2024|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on What Can I do for My Kids Who Don’t Practice the Faith?

Is it OK to Look for “Signs” After a Loved One Dies?

My loved one passed away, but I keep getting these “signs” that I see as being from them that let me know that they are OK. For example, I will see a cardinal (my dad always fed the cardinals outside his window) and I think that it is a sign from him. Is that okay for me to think?

By |2025-01-09T17:58:05+00:00June 6, 2024|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Is it OK to Look for “Signs” After a Loved One Dies?

What should we make of celebrity converts?

I’ve noticed that there have been a number of “celebrity conversions” to the Catholic faith recently. These individuals seem to be getting a lot of attention from Catholics online (both positive and negative). How should we respond to these new (and well-known) brothers and sisters?

By |2025-01-09T17:58:21+00:00May 2, 2024|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on What should we make of celebrity converts?

How can I know when I’m just making excuses?

I know that I make excuses. My family members point that out to me, and my friends (my very close friends) have told me that my excuse-making makes it difficult to trust me. But most times they don’t feel like excuses to me, they seem like the real reasons I’m late or don’t do what I had said I would do. How can I tell the difference between excuses and real reasons?

By |2025-01-09T17:58:29+00:00March 25, 2024|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on How can I know when I’m just making excuses?

God’s will includes complex process of making choices

What is the difference between drifting along in life and letting God do his will in your life? I have not really pursued a lot of my life goals because I love God and I want to please him by doing what he wants me to do in my life. Is this the wrong approach to goals in life and doing God's will?

By |2025-01-09T17:58:43+00:00March 5, 2024|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on God’s will includes complex process of making choices