You Can Bring Someone Back to the Faith–But First…
I’ve been trying to help a family member come back to the church. They seemed so “on fire” when they were younger, but have since lost their faith.
I’ve been trying to help a family member come back to the church. They seemed so “on fire” when they were younger, but have since lost their faith.
Why do some people have faith and others don’t? What if I personally don’t feel like I have faith?
Can I get a tattoo and still be a faithful Catholic?
Can you tell me something about the devil? I read in an Examination of Conscience that it is a sin to use horoscopes, tarot cards, or ouija boards. But what if it is just for fun?
Why don’t we follow all of the laws of the Bible? Like, what about Old Testament dietary laws, or going to synagogue on Saturday, or laws about stoning someone if they commit adultery?
I sometimes get frustrated with the Church and all the rules about “do this” and “don’t do that.” I believe that God just wants us to be happy.
Why be Catholic? Aren’t all religions basically the same? Aren’t Catholics arrogant in thinking that they are the “one, true Church”?
The church teaches that I have a duty to raise my children in the faith. But shouldn't it be their choice? Is it fair to indoctrinate them?
I disagree with some of the teachings of the Catholic Church. I was once told that I don’t have to follow all of the church’s teachings if they violate my conscience. But still, I’m not sure that’s right.
I heard that a couple has to want to have kids in order to get married in the Catholic Church. My fiancé and I don’t, why won’t the Church let us marry each other?