Fighting the ‘noon-day devil’ of acedia

I sometimes just wish that I could run away from the life that I am living. There is nothing terribly wrong with it, but I get this feeling that I should just leave this behind and try something new. Is this a sign that I should?

By |2025-01-09T19:03:42+00:00August 4, 2022|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Fighting the ‘noon-day devil’ of acedia

Do I just not ‘want it’ enough to be a saint?

I had heard someone use this quote, “There is only one reason you are not yet a saint: you do not want to be one.” I have to admit that I’ve been trying really hard to be holy. If I don’t feel holy does that mean I just don’t “want it” enough?

By |2025-01-09T19:04:11+00:00June 6, 2022|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Do I just not ‘want it’ enough to be a saint?

Can I go to confession if I don’t feel sorry?

I think that I want to go to confession, but I worry that I don’t feel sorry enough. I don’t want to lie and say “I am sorry for all my sins” if I don’t feel sorry. Do I have to stay away from reconciliation until I feel badly?

By |2025-01-09T19:04:58+00:00February 3, 2022|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Can I go to confession if I don’t feel sorry?

How do I receive a gift well?

I’ve been thinking about what it is to receive a gift well. I find that I don’t like getting gifts, because I never know how to respond. I can sometimes even feel guilty that someone has gone to the trouble of getting me something. Is there a way I can receive gifts better?

By |2025-01-09T19:05:25+00:00December 1, 2021|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on How do I receive a gift well?

God has forgiven me; how do I forgive myself?

I messed up in some pretty big ways in my life. I made some decisions that have wrecked relationships and have done significant damage to myself. I’ve been to confession, and I know that God in his mercy has forgiven me. But I can’t seem to be able to forgive myself. What do I do?

By |2025-01-09T19:05:42+00:00November 3, 2021|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on God has forgiven me; how do I forgive myself?