At A Loss

I find myself facing situations where I just don’t know what to do.  I feel like I am out of my depth, but I have responsibilities and people still look to me to have an answer.  What am I supposed to do?

By |2025-01-09T19:25:04+00:00June 21, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on At A Loss

Raising children in the world, not of the world

As a parent of young children, I want to raise my kids in the faith and help them navigate the world to make good decisions while they are still vulnerable/moldable so that when they grow up and are free to make their own decisions, they still continue to choose Christ. Obviously I cannot shelter them from everything or they will grow up being naïve but I cannot just let them be completely influenced by the world either. Any thoughts on how to let kids be a part of the world but not of the world?  

By |2025-01-09T19:25:58+00:00June 7, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Raising children in the world, not of the world

Saints are intense. Do I have to be that intense?

I read about the saints and how extraordinary they were. Some of them did really hard things like only getting a few hours of sleep and doing other painful things. I guess not all of them did outstanding things, but I feel like in order to become a saint I have to do something like not sleep for days or do penance all of the time. How can I be holy?

By |2025-01-09T19:26:49+00:00May 13, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Saints are intense. Do I have to be that intense?

Meaning of Suffering

I’ve been hurting a lot lately.  Not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.  It seems like no matter what I do, nothing changes.  If God has been trying to teach me a lesson, I think I’ve learned it by this point.

By |2025-01-09T19:27:01+00:00May 9, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Meaning of Suffering

Fear of Sacrifice

I’m afraid of sacrifice.  Not that I am afraid of giving up stuff or letting go of what I need to let go of, but I am afraid of what God might possibly call me to sacrifice some day.

By |2025-01-09T19:27:22+00:00April 26, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Fear of Sacrifice

I am a burden to others.

I sometimes get overwhelmed by the burden I place on the people around me.  Even when people help me, I feel so guilty that I can’t stop apologizing.  Lately, my friends and family have told me that I apologize too much.  But isn’t that a good thing?

By |2025-01-09T19:27:34+00:00April 19, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on I am a burden to others.