Unconditional Love = Sin Now, Forgive Later?

You’ve spoken about God’s love before, and how it is important to know that God will never stop loving us.  But my issue is that I teach young people who seem to think that, since God loves them, it doesn’t matter how they live.

By |2025-01-09T19:27:47+00:00April 12, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Unconditional Love = Sin Now, Forgive Later?

Following God. Alone.

I try to follow God in the way that it seems like He is calling me to, but I find that I am often walking alone.  I am not surrounded by people who are pursuing God like I believe I am called to.  Am I doing something wrong?

By |2025-01-09T19:27:58+00:00April 5, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Following God. Alone.

Dealing with an Untimely Death

There is a teacher at my Catholic school who just died.  He was so young and all of us students loved him so much. We all miss him so much.  I am beginning to doubt my faith in all of this.  What can I do?

By |2025-01-09T19:28:17+00:00March 29, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Dealing with an Untimely Death

Teaching Love in a Hostile Culture

I keep trying to do all that I can to help our children know of God’s love for them.  I want them to be truly “Catholic”; not merely in name, but as their deepest identity.  In the face of a seemingly hostile culture, what can I do?

By |2025-01-09T19:37:51+00:00March 1, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Teaching Love in a Hostile Culture

“Not Worthy” at Mass. This doesn’t make sense.

I struggle each Mass when the congregation says, “I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof . . .” I understand its biblical significance, but maybe I’m just bothered by the phrase I am not worthy.  My parents taught me I am worthy because I’m a child of God Almighty. We are all worthy just by the fact we were created in God’s image.

By |2025-01-09T19:38:12+00:00February 15, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on “Not Worthy” at Mass. This doesn’t make sense.

Lent like a Boss

Lent is obviously right around the corner, and I never seem to know what to “do” for this season.  I’ve tried giving things up, but it always seems a bit “hollow”. What should I do?

By |2025-01-09T19:38:24+00:00February 13, 2018|Ask Fr. Mike|Comments Off on Lent like a Boss