Homily from the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus makes it very clear that our call is to make our pursuit of Heaven exactly that: a pursuit. He is personal and practical when He tells [...]
Homily from the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Every one of us is in the middle of the race of our lives. God has called us and brought us here, even when there is no victory in sight and [...]
Homily from the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The roots in our lives can be so beneficial. Family and friends, home and homeland. But roots can also become traps. Good things can become [...]
Homily from the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We are preoccupied with “done”, but we are simultaneously addicted to asking “then what?”. The wisdom of Ecclesiastes [...]
Homily from the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The disciples did not merely want Jesus to help them have a “better spiritual life” or a deeper prayer life; they wanted to pray [...]
Homily from the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We have a problem. And the problem is that we can do the right thing in the wrong way. We can choose to serve…while feeding our worry and [...]
Homily from the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are so many things that we know that we ought to do. There are even things that we know that we want to do. And yet…we just [...]
Homily from the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Many of us want to grow spiritually. But what does that really mean? What is it that we really want? What is the actual goal of life? Put in [...]
Homily from the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. God continues to call. God calls us to follow Him, making it clear that being a disciple is challenging…that it costs something. [...]
Homily from The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The Body and Blood of Christ is one of the most under-appreciated gifts God has ever given. In the Scriptures, God gives us [...]