Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. If we are wise, we will think about the future and plan for it. And if we are even wiser, we will be able to let go of those plans when we need to. Mass [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. In a world of insecurity, it is less important to know where one is being led, and more important to know who is doing the leading. Mass Readings from May [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Easter. Our lives can be spent wishing for certain outcomes. But a security built on specific outcomes is a conditional and temporary security. We need true hope [...]
Homily from Divine Mercy Sunday. We live in an insecure world, but God’s mercy is stable. Mass Readings from April 19, 2020: Acts 2:42-47 Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31