Becoming Catholic – OCIA

Do you have questions about what it means to be Catholic? Maybe you have been a Christian in another Christian tradition. Maybe you have no formal Christian background. Perhaps you were baptized as a baby in the Catholic Church or in another Christian denomination but that is the extent of your Christian formation.

Welcome to our OCIA course! OCIA—the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults—will help you learn more about the Catholic faith as you prepare to become Catholic and enter the Church. It’s Catholicism 101. Each Tuesday night we will hear a presentation about a certain topic important to the faith. It’s a great place to learn more and find answers to questions that you may have! Hors d’oeuvres will be served, so don’t miss out!

Interested? Email Heather Serena or Madison Schmitz for more info.




Our OCIA classes take place at 📍 The Newman House (421 W St. Marie Street), and flow from a casual program in the Fall that explores life’s big questions. Learn more about Alpha.

Detailed Schedule: 

Fall Semester

Nov. 5: What is OCIA? What is truth?
Nov. 12: God, creation, Evil, Trust
Nov. 19: Mary and the Saints
Nov. 26: Introduction to the Sacraments
Dec. 3: The Eucharist
Dec. 5: Teaching mass

Spring Semester

Jan. 21: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory
Jan. 28: Baptism and Confirmation
Feb. 1: Theology of the Body Workshop
Feb. 4: Matrimony and Holy Orders
Feb. 11: Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
Feb. 18: The Moral Life and Introduction to the Commandments
Feb. 25: First Commandment
Mar. 4: Fourth Commandment
Mar. 5: Ash Wednesday
Mar. 11: Spring Break – No Class
Mar. 18: Fifth Commandment
Mar. 25: Seventh Commandment
Apr. 1: Eighth Commandment
Apr. 8: Tenth Commandment
Apr. 11-13: Silent Retreat

Holy Week

Apr. 13: Palm Sunday and Reconciliation Service
Apr. 14: Chrism Mass
Apr. 16: Final Night of Class
Apr. 17: Holy Thursday
Apr. 18: Good Friday
Apr. 19: Rehearsal and Easter Vigil
Apr. 22: Mystagogy Night

Begins: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 7:00 pm

Ends: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 8:30 pm