Help with Confirmation for High Schoolers
It wasn’t long ago that you were a high school student yourself. You know the day to day struggles of being in high school and trying to live out your Faith. This is your chance to positively impact those high schoolers. They are just at the beginning of their Faith journey. Since you were just their yourself, you have a lot to give an offer. Help us lead these high school students as they prepare for their Confirmation during a weekend retreat.
- Lead small groups discussion
- Share your testimony
- Lead funny skits
- Training is provided
If you are interested or would like more information, contact Fr. Mike!
Meet Adam Eberhard!

“I learned more about confirmation on this retreat than I learned over the almost 17 years of life leading up to my own confirmation. I guarantee you will not only help others learn the faith, but also be blown away (even more) by the truth of Jesus and the Catholic Church.”
Meet Bridget Dunn!

“It’s a big gift to step away from campus for the weekend to serve and just hang out with high schoolers, which is also really refreshing as a college student. And if you are open to giving just a bit of your time and yourself to help out, I promise you won’t regret being a vessel that the Lord uses to draw His children closer to Himself, it’s totally worth it!”
Meet Ted Colling!

“If you are interested, pray about it for sure, and listen to what the Lord has to say. Offer your struggles with it up at mass, and ask for help in the discernment process. Talk to people who have done it before! Ultimately, if you’re being asked by someone, you’re being invited—even if it’s an announcement at the end of mass on Sunday.”