Help Serve During Mass

Mass is the center of everything at bulldogCatholic, and there’s tons of ways to get involved. Training is provided at the beginning of each semester.

Interested in Helping at Mass?


Ways to Serve

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers help to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Training is held at the start of each semester.


  • Certified EM (attended training)
  • Want to help during an important part of the Mass

Lector Ministry

Those serving in this ministry are called to proclaim the Word of God and the Prayers of the Faithful at Sunday Masses. The mission of those called to this ministry is to help members of the parish enter into the power of the Word of God.


  • Feel comfortable reading on the altar
  • Have a strong reading voice

Usher Ministry

Ushers warmly welcome worshipers at the Sunday Masses. They pass out worship aids and bulletins before Mass, collect the offering, and assist worshipers as needed.


  • Have a friendly smile
  • Arrive 30 mins before Mass

Sacristan Ministry

Support priests and other ministers by setting up all items required for Mass. They are responsible for returning all items to proper storage facilities following Mass. The Sacristan’s ministry is to help the priest and community enter into prayer before and during Mass.


  • Arrive 1 hour before Mass
  • Be Organized
  • Be Prepared

Altar Server Ministry

Servers assist at the altar at the Masses in accordance with the norms of the Church. In a very particular way they place themselves at the service of the priest during the liturgy.

Music Ministry

Music greatly enhances the worship services and faith of our students. If you would like to share your musical gifts as a singer or instrumentalist with the Newman community please join us in this ministry.


  • Play an instrument (or sing!)
  • Arrive 1 hour before Mass

Meet Catherine Maloney!

Serves in the Sacristan and Lector Ministry

“I encourage you to sign up to help with set-up or greeting and give it a try! You can always just let us know if you don’t want to continue, or if you have specific scheduling preferences!

Making Mass set-up and lectoring a priority as a student has given me a way to give back, especially through Mass set-up. It’s relaxing and fulfilling to take a Sunday morning, not worry about homework, and know that I am able to help give glory to God and serve those at Mass through various roles. It gives me something extra to look forward to during the week. By its nature, student life is very focused on me learning the material for myself and teachers helping me, so being able to do something that focuses on serving others is helpful in adding balance to my life.”

Meet Dean Kuettel!

Serves by making the Mass Ministry schedule, altar serving, greeting, setup/takedown, and distribution of the Blessed Sacrament.

“I got involved with mass ministry in an atypical way. I came to college as a barely-practicing Lutheran trying to get to the bottom of this Lutheran-Catholic debate that I was having with my girlfriend at the time. I heard that the priest in Duluth knew a thing or two, so I thought he’d be the guy to ask about Catholicism. Before long, I found the truth that I was looking for and I wanted to treat it as truth. C. S. Lewis puts it well when he says ‘Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.’”

Meet Erin Daly!

“Looking back on college, I’m really thankful I set time aside to serve in this way because it allowed me to work so closely with so many other students and create friendships with them. I also had the opportunity to help out with Mass from the set up all the way through the closing prayer and take down which allowed me to better see the little intricacies of the Mass. I would tell my freshman self to not worry about having enough time for this serving this way. If it’s something that you enjoy doing and it’s good for you to be doing, you will find enough time for this and for everything else you are doing as well.”