Be Bold. Sign Up for a Mission Trip.

Set your own world aside and take intentional time to be selfless to those who NEED love and generosity. Not only are Mission Trips a way to help others, but also to let Jesus touch your own heart through the people you are serving. Mission Trips are a great way to grow in all the fruits and virtues of the Holy Spirit.


  • A current passport
  • Servant heart
  • Being pushed out of your comfort zone
  • Desire to grow in Faith

Meet Nathan Miller!

Location: El Salvador

Service: Community house visits with Salvadoran families and construction projects through out the town.

“The goal of our mission trip was to help the community in house visits and construction projects. The people of El Salvador quickly became family to us and we still keep in contact with each other! Through the trip, I learned the importance of surrendering and trusting in God. Since our team didn’t know what we were going to be doing on a day-to-day basis, surrendering to God’s Will was critical.

If you are someone who’s on the fence is to not worry about the money. Instead, “worry” about discerning if God is calling you onto this trip. If He is, He will provide the money to get you there and back safely.”

Meet Natalie Cahill!

Location: Stoke-on-Trent, England

Service: Taught and shared about the love of Jesus to middle school students and hosted retreat nights for the local parish.

“I had wanted to go on this trip because one of our missionaries was going and I had always wanted to travel to a different country. Jesus knew what he was doing because He transformed me through the experience and showed me what surrendering completely to him looks like. I was definitely out of my comfort zone, but Jesus provides, especially when we feel unqualified or insufficient to share His love with others. He brought me to a place where all I had was Him to cling to. He can take whatever we offer him, whether it’s perfect or not, and transform it into something beautiful.

I’m not gonna lie, fundraising can be kind of scary. But Jesus really blesses the “Yes” we give when going out on Mission, and it’s a cool way to concretely put our trust in Him that He can and will provide. College is one of the only times that we can drop everything we’re doing to go and serve, so I would definitely recommend going on a mission trip!”