Series: On Purpose
A powerful goal in life is to be great, To be able to say “I am good at this” regardless of comparison, but with an eye towards real excellence. At the same time, event when we have a goal and have a plan, we all need to be motivated by WHY.
Homily from the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are two requirements: Be available and be willing to try. There are times when the future is so uncertain and so unknown that we hesitate to move. But since we know that God is with us, He ahs a call on our lives and His grace [...]
Homily from the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Do what you know, where you are. What is the Greatest Thing you will ever do? What if the Greatest Thing is not something you accomplish, but who you become? Mass Readings from February 2, 2025: Malachi 3: 1-4 Psalms 24: 7-10 Hebrews 2: 14-18 [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. You've been given a great work, and must not come down. Since you have been made on purpose, there are two ways to live: on purpose and off purpose. But if a person has been made to be great and set apart for a purpose, why would [...]
Homily from the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Why be great? A powerful goal in life is to be great, to be able to say "I am good at this" regardless of comparison, but with an eye towards real excellence. At the same time, event when we have a goal and have a plan, we [...]