Christmas Fatigue
Every Christmas I feel drained and am relieved when Dec. 26 finally comes around. What can I do to really celebrate the season of Christmas?
Every Christmas I feel drained and am relieved when Dec. 26 finally comes around. What can I do to really celebrate the season of Christmas?
Why do Catholics venerate the bodies and body parts of saints? With the display of St. Padre Pio in the news lately, it’s something I’ve been wondering about. I know it’s a much more common practice in Europe, but it’s not something we’re used to, and it kind of creeps me out. Why not just pray for the saints’ intercession and let their bodies be at rest?
I get that Purgatory exists. But why?
I recently attended a wedding in a non-Catholic church. The minister invited everyone there forward to be united at this wedding to receive Communion. I didn’t know what to do, so I went up to receive. Did I do something wrong?
My non-Catholic friend comes with me to Mass, but she insists on receiving the Eucharist. Is that okay?
Is it a sin to miss Mass if you're on vacation?
What does the Catholic Church teach about suicide? Do people who kill themselves automatically go to Hell?
My dad died, but I think that he was agnostic. He never clearly claimed Jesus. He tolerated faith in my mom and in us, but he never gave any indication that it reached him. Is he in heaven?
I want to go deeper in my prayer life, but I’m not sure how to start. What is my first step?
I’ve been reading the Bible and I’ve run into a problem. The God I’m reading about in the Old Testament doesn’t seem to be the same God I’ve come to know my whole life. He seems angry. It seems like He kills people left and right. I don’t get it and it is really unsettling.