Fr. Mike Homilies
Our chaplain Fr. Mike shares his homilies from every weekend Mass. You can see the most recent homilies below, watch on YouTube, or homilies sorted by recent series. You can also read Fr. Mike’s answers to your tough questions.
Homily from the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We may want to run, but things get in the way. God provides the grace that we need to be able to grow as fully and freely as possible. But life is full of obstacles that make this growth a challenge. With God's grace, we can be [...]
Homily from the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time "Hurry is the greatest threat to the spiritual life and the way of Jesus." We constantly experience the temptation to "max out" our lives by racing from event to event, task to task. The goal of life is union with God and anything that takes us away [...]
Homily from the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. To protect one's heart is the safest way to live. But since we are made in God's image and likeness, we are made for love. Without love, we remain safe...but we remain incomprehensible to ourselves. To love is to be is to risk. To receive the [...]
Homily from the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We must cultivate the fear of the Lord in our lives. If we do not, then we will have only a partial vision of who God truly is. If we do not cultivate the fear of the Lord, then we will never have the proper relationship with [...]
Homily from the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus prays that His Church is never without shepherds. This world and His Church is in need of leaders, of shepherds, and of fathers. While we will always need women and mothers, we stand in particular need of fathers at this moment in history. We need both: [...]
Homily from the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Feast of Corpus Christi). We are made for love. God is love. We are therefore made for God. And God comes to us in love in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ at every Mass. Mass Readings from June 11, 2023: Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14-16 [...]
Homily from the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity We have been made in the image of God. The common temptation that we all face is to remake God in our own image. We can be drawn to the idea that we can simply worship the God whom we prefer rather than the God who [...]
Homily from Pentecost Sunday. Jesus has accomplished the Father's will in offering Himself on the Cross. He has further sent the Holy Spirit for the salvation of the world. God has done something incredible in the life of each Christian. And He sends us out into the world so that what He has done in [...]
Homily from the Ascension of the Lord. It has been said that "10,000 difficulties do not make one single doubt." When we approach God, we can be tempted to hesitate. We need to be able to ask the questions that need to be answered. This asking is not the same thing as doubting. Mass Readings [...]
Homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Saint Peter tells us to be prepared to give a reason for our hope. We need to be ready to give an explanation for the truth that Jesus is the source of hope. We also need to be ready to give a reason for our personal hope in [...]