Series: Advent & Christmas
Homilies from Advent and Christmas 2020
Homily from the Mass of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It can be so easy for parents to feel powerless when it comes to passing on the faith to their families. But there are four powerful tools every parent can employ to help their families become holy families. Mass Readings from December [...]
Homily from the Mass of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas). When you and I look at the image of the baby Jesus in the manger, how would we answer the question: why is He there? Mass Readings from December 25, 2020: Isaiah 52:7-10 Psalm 98:1-6 Hebrews 1:1-6 John 1:1-18
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Waiting is not meant to be wasted. The chance to wait in silence is often given by God to serve a purpose...above all to change our faith into something new. Mass Readings from December 20, 2020: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29 Romans 16:25-27 [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Advent. We all have the temptation to pretend to be someone or something other than we are. To pass ourselves off as someone else…to be an imposter. We do this most often when we know the truth but live in fear of the truth. John the Baptist shows us [...]
Homily from the Second Sunday of Advent. Saint Peter reveals that the Day is coming when The Story will have been written. On that day, everything will be revealed and we will know God’s hidden role in every moment of The Story…and we will know the truth and consequences of our roles in The Story. [...]
Homily from the First Sunday of Advent. Too often, we find ourselves just wanting this moment to be “done." We miss out on the miracle of the moment because we see what is happening as something that is getting in the way of life. But this is life. There is not another one we are [...]