Homily from the Mass of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

“It is so easy to feel helpless, it is so easy to feel powerless as a Catholic mom or a Catholic dad in the face of our children’s decisions. And so the good news is this: you don’t have to feel powerless. You don’t have to be powerless. …The story isn’t over yet. The game is not finished. There is always, always hope. Embrace and enact these four powerful things that every Catholic parent can do for their kids: to continue to teach them how to pray, to continue to bless them, to continue to live that life centered on Christ, and above all, to pray, to fast, and to intercede for them.”

Mass Readings from December 30, 2012:
Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14
1 John 3:1-2, 21-24
Luke 2:41-52