Homily from the Solemnity of Christ the King.

“God doesn’t want to crush Adam. God’s heart has been crushed. Because the man and the woman that He loves are hiding themselves from Him. And His plan was that they would never hide, that they would never have feel like they needed to hide from Him. … Here is Eve, and she doesn’t trust in God’s love, and so she turns in on herself. And so what does God say? God says, ‘The problem is that you’ve turned in on yourself. The solution is that you need to die to yourself. And so what am I going to do? I am going to allow you to experience pain in bringing forth life so that you can know the cost of love.’ … The point of that pain in childbirth is not punishment. It’s meant to be remedial training. … Eve didn’t know how to love, so I am going to teach you that love costs something. And then with Adam, it’s the same thing … His (God’s) plan was that we know how to love. His plan was that we would love each other. And that we would love Him. But that plan was thwarted, and God says, ‘Listen. I can still go in this. I can still redeem this. I can still make this better. I can enter into every situation and I can bring good out of it.'”

Mass Readings from November 24, 2013:
2 Samuel 5:1-3
Colossians 1:12-20
Luke 23:35-43