03/27/16 “Yeah…and?”

Homily from The Resurrection of the Lord. We can think that God loves us because we are good and we deserve it. The truth is that He loves us because He is good and we need it. Mass Readings from [...]

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Unleashing the Resurrection Today

During Lent, I’ve been praying the Rosary with only the Sorrowful Mysteries to prepare myself for His Passion. My focus has been on Jesus dying for our sins and how great of a sacrifice that was [...]

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Old Testament Laws

Why don’t we follow all of the laws of the Bible? Like, what about Old Testament dietary laws, or going to synagogue on Saturday, or laws about stoning someone if they commit adultery?

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YouTube Fridays: Mikaela’s Picks

This week’s recommendations come from Mikaela Chandler, a Junior in Environmental and Outdoor Education. Videos from Lazy Catholics are great. Sometimes these videos are a bit too real, but make [...]

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