Join us for Service Saturdays

Service Saturdays are opportunities for students to come together and help serve our community in unique ways throughout Duluth. We often volunteer with Loaves and Fishes and Feed My Starving Children. Service Saturdays happen sporadically throughout the year. So, be on the look out!


  • Need to be a college aged student.
  • Wants to help build up the community.
  • Is looking to have a wholesome, fun time while serving people in need.

Meet Clare Ganley!

“Service Saturdays are opportunities for students to get involved in the community and volunteer with different organizations. A lot of students attend more than one Service Saturday because it is a great way to help those in need and get to know the Newman community. Not only are we helping those in need with chores or activities, but we get to see and share the love of Jesus by building relationships with those with whom we are working as well as the people or organization we are serving.”