For too long, well-meaning followers of Jesus have been convinced that “harder was always holier”.  That, in order to be great, one had to be powerful, successful, incredible.  This lie permeated innocent people’s hearts until they believed that they could never be good enough for God.  In response, God did something remarkable…He revealed His Heart once again.

10/01/17 Look Like Jesus: Christ’s Why

Each one of our lives is made up of any number of "what's". But a truly great life is driven by one great "why". This "why" is the motivation and the vision for a life lived on purpose. The life of Jesus can be summed up in one single great "why".

09/24/17 Look Like Jesus: Unshakeable Identity

What defines you? Too often, our activities give us our identity. Because of this, our sense of self and our sense of joy is constantly in danger of being compromised. Our identity comes from the fact that God has made Himself our Dad and the [...]

09/17/17 Look Like Jesus: The Last Enemy

There is no need to fear death, because Jesus has conquered death. And yet, do we approach death the way Jesus approached death? Many of us see death as “natural” or something to be avoided. But Jesus saw death as an enemy to be stared down and [...]

09/10/17 Look Like Jesus: Anonymous and Autonomous

The way we look at the world directs the way we live in the world. Our vision of life, God, ourselves, and other people is called to be shaped and guided by the way Jesus sees them. How would my life be different if I looked at the people near [...]