12/09/18 The End?

Homily from the Second Sunday of Advent. God has begun a good work in you. In fact, he has begun many “good works.“ Many of them will come to an end, but the truly great work that God has begun [...]

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12/02/18 Be Ready, Get Ready

Homily from the First Sunday of Advent. Advent is a season of preparation. We get ready to celebrate the first coming of Christ into this world. We also get ready for His Second Coming at the end [...]

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10/28/18 Rivals: Rival Voices

Homily from the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The voices around us shape us. Some voices shape us more powerfully and more negatively than others. These rival voices fashion a lens through [...]

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10/21/18 Rivals: The Rival of Control

Homily from the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. So much of our lives can be marked by the desire to control…or the fear of losing control. The rival of control can dominate. And the [...]

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10/14/18 Rivals: The Reason is the Rival

Homily from the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. There is a clear difference between a reason and an excuse. Excuses are not acceptable answers, but there are times when even “good reasons” [...]

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10/07/18 Rivals: All or Nothing

Homily from the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are only two kinds of relationships that get to a point where it is “all…or nothing”: Romantic relationships and our [...]

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