11/12/2017 What a Waste: Wasted or Spent?

“Life is long if you know how to use it”. And yet, most of us do not know how to use our lives…we do not know how to spend our time because we do not have a clear vision of our calling in Christ [...]

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10/29/17 Enough: Never Enough

Homily from the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. So many people feel like they can never do enough. In life, in relationships, in their faith. Because of this, people try to do everything and [...]

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10/22/17 Enough: I Am Not Enough

There are times in life when a person is so overwhelmed that they feel like they cannot move. They need more information or they need more strength. But often, what we need is more courage. [...]

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10/15/17 Enough

A culture of excess is an unhappy culture. A person of excess is a person driven by fear. But with Christ, a person can find joy even when they do not have what they need. Because with Christ, [...]

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10/08/17 Look Like Jesus: Whatever

disciple is a person who lives like Jesus and who sees the world like Jesus. A disciple shares the worldview of Christ and sees all things: others, death, self, purpose, and Good and Evil...as [...]

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10/01/17 Look Like Jesus: Christ’s Why

Each one of our lives is made up of any number of "what's". But a truly great life is driven by one great "why". This "why" is the motivation and the vision for a life lived on purpose. The life [...]

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09/17/17 Look Like Jesus: The Last Enemy

There is no need to fear death, because Jesus has conquered death. And yet, do we approach death the way Jesus approached death? Many of us see death as “natural” or something to be avoided. But [...]

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