06/25/17 Two Questions

Many people think that witnessing to Christ with one's life is for those who are far away or who lived in another time. But we are asked the same questions every day that the martyrs were asked [...]

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04/30/17 A Blur

Homily from the Third Sunday of Easter. We often move from one thing that dominates our time and attention to the next thing that dominates our time and attention. When we realize that Jesus [...]

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04/23/17 Wholehearted: Hole-hearted

The Little Way of Saint Terese is “little the entire way.” This means coming face to face with struggles and wounds we may battle our entire lives. With our confidence firmly centered on Jesus, [...]

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04/14/17 Humiliated

Homily from Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion. Jesus allows himself to be humiliated for us. Our shame isolated us. And the isolation is often greater when the shame is hidden or exposed [...]

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04/09/17 Wholehearted: You Win

Homily from Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. One of the primary difficulties for us as Christians is to truly understand our role in the story of Christ’s Passion. Our role is difficult [...]

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