10/30/16 Faith Works: The Fruit of Faith

Homily from the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Christian Faith will never be relevant if it remains at the level of private, personal belief and does not transform our lives. Faith is [...]

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10/23/16 Faith Works: Resume Faith

Are you stuck in the trap where you have to do enough, so that you have enough, in order to be enough? If faith merely comes down to presenting God with our resume, then we are not faithful…we [...]

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10/16/16 Faith Works: The Forge of Faith

Every great story needs a beginning. But it needs more than just a beginning. A great story requires tension, obstacles, and patient perseverance. When we give God our “yes”, even when we don’t [...]

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10/09/16 Faith Works: Beginning Faith

Faith is first of all a response. It is the response to an encounter with God. In a completely free way, God reveals Himself. Intellectual faith responds with “I believe you”. Living faith [...]

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09/04/16 Beginning

The conditions for being a disciple of Jesus can be incredibly challenging. But they are not complicated. The conditions for discipleship all come down to one question: does Jesus have permission [...]

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