04/06/14 The God of the Broken Heart

Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Lent. "And again, someone could say, 'Honestly? Why [go to Confession]? I'm not telling God anything He doesn't know.' You're right. You won't be telling God [...]

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03/30/14 The Mark of Adulthood

Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Lent. "If I don't take responsibility for my actions, somebody has to take responsibility for me. And here is God Himself, in Jesus Christ, who does what? He [...]

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03/09/14 Really?

Homily from the First Sunday of Lent. "All of us, every one of us at this Mass, we have experienced maybe some light, but we will all experience the darkness of just not being able to see God, [...]

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03/05/14 Branded

Homily from Ash Wednesday. "The depth of what the Cross means is actually 'I am such a mess that in order to make me not a mess, this Cross had to happen.' But here is the amazing thing: this [...]

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03/02/14 This is Good. God is Good.

Homily from the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. "Worry is useless and it is debilitating. But we know this, this is the great news, this is the really good news: worry is not determined by [...]

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02/23/14 Living Wisely

Homily from the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. "So Jesus comes along and He says, 'Be téleios [Greek-adj-perfect or full-grown], like God is téleios. Be perfect as God is perfect. What that [...]

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02/16/14 “I Do What I Want”

Homily from the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. "If my morality is just, 'Well I want to be able to do what I want, whatever I want, as long as nobody gets hurt,' my world has become the size of me."

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02/09/14 Like Everyone Else

Homily from the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. "Imagine Paul walking up to one of these women (prostitutes) who had been used to being used, that's all they ever knew in their whole life, and [...]

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02/02/14 Consumer or Disciple?

Homily from the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. "What flows out of relationship? Obligation. And if you're going to have an incredible relationship, that no one could've ever hoped for [...]

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01/26/14 All is…Lost?

Homily from the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. "He established a Kingdom based on these 12 men and their successors, the bishops of the Catholic Church, the successors of Peter, the pope, and [...]

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