Homily from the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Joy is the abiding sense of well-being. It is a feeling, but it is also a choice. But we do not choose joy itself. We must choose the source [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Our lives are marked by stress. Not only is stress unavoidable, it is necessary. The main question is: what is our response to stress? Mass Readings from [...]
Homily from the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Fear is a gift. It is meant to keep us alive. But it can also keep us from living. There are two sources of fear are our biology and the stories we [...]
Homily from the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. “The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation.” We do not merely desire, we have inordinate desire driven by fear. We do not [...]
Homily from the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus heals the man who was deaf and mute. In doing this, He was destroying something in the man’s life…his identity. Jesus has to take away [...]
Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. We find ourselves always moving and never done. We have so many options that we experience decision paralysis and subsequent decision dissatisfaction. But [...]
Homily from the First Sunday of Advent. Too often, we find ourselves just wanting this moment to be “done.” We miss out on the miracle of the moment because we see what is happening as [...]
Homily from the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. Many people are overwhelmed by anxiety. Anxiety over all the things that need to get done and over all that they have been through. But God [...]
Homily from the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Distraction is anything that takes our focus away from where it needs to be. Mass Readings from August 9, 2020: 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13 Psalm [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. In a world of insecurity, it is less important to know where one is being led, and more important to know who is doing the leading. Mass Readings from May [...]