Homily from the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. All of our fears stem from the fact that we are woundable. We care about rejection, inadequacy, and the future because we know that all of those [...]
Homily from the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are times when we do everything God has asked us to do…and we still find ourselves in the midst of a storm. In those moments, we are called [...]
Homily from Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. In our culture today, we are able to avoid thinking of death. But death is the inevitable reality of living. Still, the fact that we will all [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The People of Israel were brought into exile. It was imposed from the outside. But after King Cyrus game them a way home, many of them chose to live in [...]
Homily from the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The one question that can either deflate or motivate a person is “When?” This question reveals whether our goal is an actual goal or merely [...]
I heard a Christian speaker talking about needing to avoid certain movies and TV shows. Is it really a big deal what kind of entertainment I watch, listen to or read? Isn’t it better to know what [...]