Homily from the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. The essence of a eulogy virtue is character. Not merely who people think you are, but who you actually are. A person of character does what [...]
Homily from the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Fear is a gift. It is meant to keep us alive. But it can also keep us from living. There are two sources of fear are our biology and the stories we [...]
Homily from the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are certain things, certain failures, embarrassments, and shames, that could define our lives. There are certain events that could define our [...]
Homily from Ash Wednesday. We are often tempted to run away from God and from difficult moments in life. We might even be tempted to escape from all that has been taken from us over the past [...]
Homily from the Second Sunday of Advent. Saint Peter reveals that the Day is coming when The Story will have been written. On that day, everything will be revealed and we will know God’s hidden [...]
Homily from the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the garden of the mind, our thoughts are constantly growing. Some we want, others we do not. As the gardeners of our own minds, we must [...]
Homily from the Ascension of the Lord. Return from exile is not about a change in location, it is about a change in vocation. It is less about geography and more about mission. The goal is not [...]
Homily from the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The first step is the most difficult…but it is also the most important. Mass Readings from October 13, 2019: 2 Kings 5:14-17 Psalm 98:1-4 2 [...]
Homily from the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. In our lives, we continually divide ourselves and divide our hearts by giving away our small “yesses”. Jesus calls us to experience freedom, [...]
Homily from the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Faith is more than belief. It “acts”. It can be seen. In fact, what we choose reveals our faith. And our decisions shape our lives, here on [...]