02/09/20 Good…For Nothing?

Homily from the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. God trusts us with being His representatives in this world. He has made us His and He has made us good. But to what end? God has made us good for a [...]

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#Fail: Failure is Feedback

Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Failure is not final and failure is not fatal. As long as we don’t stop, and as long as we are willing to learn from our failures, they have no power to [...]

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04/28/19 #Fail: Free to Fail

Homily from Divine Mercy Sunday. Many people battle with perfectionism. God’s mercy in the midst of failure is His remedy for the fear that failure is the end. Mass Readings from April 28, 2019: [...]

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10/21/18 Rivals: The Rival of Control

Homily from the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. So much of our lives can be marked by the desire to control…or the fear of losing control. The rival of control can dominate. And the [...]

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10/14/18 Rivals: The Reason is the Rival

Homily from the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. There is a clear difference between a reason and an excuse. Excuses are not acceptable answers, but there are times when even “good reasons” [...]

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