Homily from The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity reminds us of the innermost secret of God: He is Love. It also reveals the innermost secret of humans made [...]
Homily from Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil. Christianity is an historical religion that is not based on feelings, philosophies, or myths. It is based on a fact: the fact of the resurrection of [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Lent. God made this world good, but He did not make it unbreakable. This world has come undone, and our sickness and suffering reveals the deeper ways our hearts [...]
Homily from the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Comparison is the desire to be “more” than another. At the heart of that desire is fear. Vulnerability breaks through that fear. Mass Readings [...]
Homily from Ash Wednesday. For many of us, our default assumption about life is: it’s fine. Even when things are obviously broken, we can pretend that they will “fix themselves.” But Lent reminds [...]