Homily from the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Joy is the abiding sense of well-being. It is a feeling, but it is also a choice. But we do not choose joy itself. We must choose the source [...]
Homily from the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We are preoccupied with “done”, but we are simultaneously addicted to asking “then what?”. The wisdom of Ecclesiastes [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Our lives are marked by stress. Not only is stress unavoidable, it is necessary. The main question is: what is our response to stress? Mass Readings from [...]
Homily from Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion. The crown of thorns reveals the darkness of the human heart. This darkness is in each one of us in the form of envy. Mass Readings from April [...]
Homily from the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. All of our fears stem from the fact that we are woundable. We care about rejection, inadequacy, and the future because we know that all of those [...]
Homily from the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We have become more comfortable with the “completed” past than the unknown future. Rather than desiring to launch into the challenge of [...]
Homily from the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are certain things, certain failures, embarrassments, and shames, that could define our lives. There are certain events that could define our [...]
Homily from the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Mass). We are so distracted by so many things that we need to look up. But sometimes we need to look lower in order to see where God is in our [...]
Homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. We can choose joy only insofar as we can choose the source of our joy. Joy comes as a consequence; it is a fruit. And the depth and permanence of our joy [...]
Homily from the Mass of the Resurrection of our Lord. Death is final. The death of Christ was thought to be final. But it wasn’t the end…it was just the beginning. Mass Readings from April [...]