Homily from the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Joy is the abiding sense of well-being. It is a feeling, but it is also a choice. But we do not choose joy itself. We must choose the source [...]
Homily from The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity reminds us of the innermost secret of God: He is Love. It also reveals the innermost secret of humans made [...]
Homily from Pentecost Sunday. The Holy Spirit, poured out on the apostles (and the entire Church) at Pentecost would have gone to waste without the most important reality: the disciples made [...]
Homily from the Sunday of Divine Mercy. The fact of the Resurrection of Jesus has introduced something new into this world of misery. The Cross and Resurrection introduced the possibility of [...]
Homily from the Second Sunday of Lent. The second Last Word of Jesus from the Cross is missing something. Jesus has begged for mercy for all…including the two criminals who were crucified [...]
Homily from the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. All of our fears stem from the fact that we are woundable. We care about rejection, inadequacy, and the future because we know that all of those [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We all need acceptance. It is a basic human requirement. But we also must have the courage and freedom to know who we are and what we are about [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Advent. In order to truly grow in love, there needs to be the willingness to make a commitment. And there needs to be the ability to keep a commitment. Mass [...]
Homily from the Second Sunday of Advent. Too often, we do not love well because we do not discern what is worth loving; we don’t pay attention to the value of things. Because of this, our [...]
Homily from the First Sunday of Advent. Too often, we want to love the way we have been created to love. But we find ourselves incapable of loving this way. Not because we aren’t willing or [...]