05/17/20 Exiles: Why Go Back?

Homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. At some point, the exile will end. You will be able to go back. But why? What is the reason why you will go back? Mass Readings from May 17, 2020: Acts [...]

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04/10/20 Prepared But Not Ready

Homily from Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion. Jesus prepared His disciples for His Passion. But they were not ready, because they had not factored in their own weakness. But Jesus had [...]

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11/24/19 A King Who Remembers

Homily from the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is easy to feel forgotten and forsaken…even by God. But God notices, loves, and remembers you. Mass Readings from [...]

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02/24/19 Love Yourself

Homily from the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus calls us to love our enemies. But how can we do that when we don’t even love the people we like? When we often don’t effectively love [...]

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