Homily from the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. Many people are overwhelmed by anxiety. Anxiety over all the things that need to get done and over all that they have been through. But God [...]
Homily from the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the garden of the mind, our thoughts are constantly growing. Some we want, others we do not. As the gardeners of our own minds, we must [...]
Homily from the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. What kind of faith do you want? Faith that makes a difference because it is lived out is the only kind of faith that matters. Mass Readings from [...]
Homily from the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Distraction is anything that takes our focus away from where it needs to be. Mass Readings from August 9, 2020: 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13 Psalm [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Lent. We live in a world that has come undone with hearts and relationships that have come undone. Jesus comes to that wound to undo what has been undone. Mass [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are seasons of silence, and hiddenness, and brokenness in all of our lives. These times are not just useful, they are necessary for us to [...]
Homily from the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is easy to feel forgotten and forsaken…even by God. But God notices, loves, and remembers you. Mass Readings from [...]
Homily from the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The first step is the most difficult…but it is also the most important. Mass Readings from October 13, 2019: 2 Kings 5:14-17 Psalm 98:1-4 2 [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Easter. Even sin is not final if you don’t stop. God has a call for you that is not erased by failure. Mass Readings from May 5, 2019: Acts 5:27-32, 40-41 Psalm [...]
Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Behind enemy lines, we find ourselves in a battle with the Enemy of God. Satan is real and Satan must be resisted. But the Catholic Christian has been given [...]