Homily from the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Joy is the abiding sense of well-being. It is a feeling, but it is also a choice. But we do not choose joy itself. We must choose the source [...]
Homily from the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The disciples did not merely want Jesus to help them have a “better spiritual life” or a deeper prayer life; they wanted to pray [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Our lives are marked by stress. Not only is stress unavoidable, it is necessary. The main question is: what is our response to stress? Mass Readings from [...]
Homily from the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. On the cross, Jesus’ life ends with the same perspective He has had from the beginning: He trusts His Father. Mass Readings from April 14, [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Lent. When He had virtually nothing left to give, Jesus still gave. He gave His own mother to be our mother. The one person who knew Him most and loved Him best, [...]
Homily from the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Mass). We are so distracted by so many things that we need to look up. But sometimes we need to look lower in order to see where God is in our [...]
Homily from the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. When we are in the middle of a journey…or the middle of life…we will encounter obstacles. In that encounter with obstacles, we [...]
Homily from the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. We are called to love God with everything. It is easier to love when we are winning, but are we able to love when we’ve lost? What if [...]
Homily from the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus heals the man who was deaf and mute. In doing this, He was destroying something in the man’s life…his identity. Jesus has to take away [...]
Homily from the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Too often, when we encounter our own brokenness and woundedness, we either pretend it isn’t there or we just want it to be taken away. But [...]