Homily from the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The end of the year offers us the chance to recognize the little lords and tingy tyrants in our lives; those things we [...]
Homily from the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The worst days of our life often com after the best days of our life. But even in those “worst days”, you are not done yet. God has [...]
Homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. At some point, the exile will end. You will be able to go back. But why? What is the reason why you will go back? Mass Readings from May 17, 2020: Acts [...]
Homily from Divine Mercy Sunday. Many people battle with perfectionism. God’s mercy in the midst of failure is His remedy for the fear that failure is the end. Mass Readings from April 28, 2019: [...]