Homily from the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are certain things, certain failures, embarrassments, and shames, that could define our lives. There are certain events that could define our [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Lent. We live in a world that has come undone with hearts and relationships that have come undone. Jesus comes to that wound to undo what has been undone. Mass [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Easter. Even sin is not final if you don’t stop. God has a call for you that is not erased by failure. Mass Readings from May 5, 2019: Acts 5:27-32, 40-41 Psalm [...]
Homily from Divine Mercy Sunday. Many people battle with perfectionism. God’s mercy in the midst of failure is His remedy for the fear that failure is the end. Mass Readings from April 28, 2019: [...]
Homily from the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are some things in our lives (our decisions, our wounds, our weaknesses) that we wish and pray were gone. God calls you and I in our weakness; [...]