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Since the beginning of time, God has always revealed Himself as a loving Father, but in so many ways we fail to see that truth. We can see Him as a taskmaster, overseer, impersonal judge or any number of other images. We fail to see Him correctly because our view is broken.

The Father’s House retreat helps retreatants to reflect on the truth of God’s fatherhood and to come face to face with the human weakness that prevents us from accepting that truth. This retreat consists of several talks, personal prayer with a series of meditations, significant time in small groups to discuss the themes and prayer times during the retreat, adoration, prayer for healing, a special blessing ceremony and the sacraments of Mass and confession.

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When is the retreat?

April 7-9, 2017

How is this retreat different?

We have never run this retreat before! This retreat is a partnership with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students.) It is different as students will have a chance to go on a retreat lead by Dominican priests and in collaboration with schools from around the region.

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Where is the retreat held?

Cragun’s Resort is one of the premier resorts in Minnesota.  Every year, thousands of people enjoy the indoor pool, lakeside views, and comfortable amenities…

Students will stay in the poolside rooms and will dine in the renowned dining room! The food is outstanding. 

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